Sunday, April 11, 2010

Coconut M&Ms

Chances are, if you peruse your local convenience store often enough, you'd have passed by this little delicacy. M&M's really has a nice broad selection of flavors when you think about it, from peanut butter to crispy and almonds, but they also have limited run flavors such as this.

The package stands out among other M&Ms with its cream white bag and featuring the green M&M in the front. I guess she's supposed to be the sexy M&M, but I love coconut flavors so the flavor is certainly sexy enough I guess.

As you can see, you don't actually see any of those coconut shavings you might see on other notable candies like on See's or an Almond Joy. But the flavor is there, perhaps possibly describable as a subtle flavor. Each piece is also a bit bigger than your average M&M piece, but not by too much. It's difficult to tell why though unless there's more chocolate per piece stuffed into it.

It's a very pleasing package and I'd dare to say even someone who doesn't typically like coconut may enjoy it, but I'm not making any promises. For more information, you can always check out the candyblog, when of the bigger sort of blogs on candy and snacks.

image from

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